Starting to like colouring specific items in a picture, think it uber coolio :o Anyway, added a touch of halo without the hud. Defo one to look at when drunk/otherwise influenced...
Second attempt was a bit more toned down, a bit... i used a sepia filter to make it look like it was damaged by the light First on looks like a horror movie :D
Yeh sooooo, i figured id post this because it took me a while, even though it looks simple enough. Credit goes to my mate Eddie for the idear!! Its for our long running Effects to Kill Gaming clan *yawn* /geek, anyway its the new banner!!
Mostly done in paint/photo shop, took ages to figure the right colours but Ed kept me right, hope you like it!!
Oh almost forgot, i quickly made avatars, you'll get Eddies <3
Average...I feel nerdy 24/7 but pull it off well. <3 Gaming, have a passion for the Halo trilogy/retro Myth days, i DARE you to challenge me!!
Also enjoy drinking, games, and, drinking games!! =D
Me > You